Eat - Drink - Work at Home. . .and be Merry!!!

A smorgasboard of interesting ways to earn money from Passive Income Streams plus a la carte links to no cost, no fee Work at Home Job sites, with a splash of jokes, a twist of helpful tips all sprinkled with a dash of inspiration.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Happy New Year Everyone!! I hope this will be a very happy, healthy and prosperous new year for all!!

Can you believe it? It's already 3 weeks into the month of January. Is this another fast moving year already or is it just me?

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Well it looks like another New Year's Eve has rolled around.
Did 2006 fly by or what happened?

It's time to Countdown to the 2007 New Year!!

Best Wishes for good health and prosperity to all.

What are some of your New Year's resolutions?

Please feel free to comment and share your thoughts. . .

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

It's always a good idea to keep tabs on your credit report.

Did you know that you can
Check your credit reports -- for free?

One of your best ID-theft protections is the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA), which amends the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and is loaded with provisions that help you opt out of credit card offers (888-567-8688), freeze your credit report information, let you add a fraud alert to your credit report and allows you to keep closer tabs on your credit reports.

Visit once every four months and get a free credit report, each time from a different one of the three major credit reporting agencies to provide your own monitoring service all year.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Here's something that might be helpful on turkey day:

How To Carve a Turkey

1) Obtain a long knife with a thin blade. A carving fork helps too.
2) Insert the knife into the spot where the thighbones meet the turkey's body.
3) Separate the thigh from the body by feeling for the joint, and cutting along the joint.
4) Feel for the joint in the drumstick, and cut along the joint until the drumstick is free from the thigh.
5) Slice along the bones of the thigh and drumstick getting as much meat off with one stroke as possible.
6) Cut thigh and drumstick meat into slices.
7) Find the joint where the wing connects to the turkey's body, and cut along the joint freeing the wings from the rest of the body.
8) Cutting parallel to the breast, cut slices off of each side of the breast.
9) Enjoy!
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