Eat - Drink - Work at Home. . .and be Merry!!!

A smorgasboard of interesting ways to earn money from Passive Income Streams plus a la carte links to no cost, no fee Work at Home Job sites, with a splash of jokes, a twist of helpful tips all sprinkled with a dash of inspiration.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

It's back to school time again!!

Listed below is a link from that offers good tips on how to improve your memory as well as how to increase the ability to retain and recall information. Very helpful for everyone.

Stay Sharp!!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Vista Print has been around for a while but if you haven't gotten on the band wagon, it's still not too late.

Business cards are a great way to look professional and never be caught off guard.

Where else can you get 250 business cards for free and pay only the cost to get them shipped? Great designs. Click to get yours .

Thursday, August 03, 2006

OH the Dog Days of Summer are here!!!! Talk About Extreme Heat. . .
A fresh pitcher of lemonade or ice tea is simply not enough. . .gotta keep that AC going!!

Here's something quite refreshing for entreprenuers, residential realtors, those seeking to learn something valuable while unemployed or those simply looking to switch gears to more lucrative waters. Click Here!
Stay Cool!!
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