Eat - Drink - Work at Home. . .and be Merry!!!

A smorgasboard of interesting ways to earn money from Passive Income Streams plus a la carte links to no cost, no fee Work at Home Job sites, with a splash of jokes, a twist of helpful tips all sprinkled with a dash of inspiration.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Today's Inspiration
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
--Albert Einstein

Listen to the words of the late recording artist Aaliyah. . .

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

It's May and gas prices are still way too high. We have so much on our financial plates to juggle these days including worries such as job layoffs, health insurance issues and just how to keep from losing what we have. This is why it is important to have multiple streams of income.

More Great Passive Income Sources:

1) Here's a winner that requires a small one time investment of $1.49. That's right, only $1.49. The rest is up to you. Each referral pays you forever.
Click here to learn how it works and how to get started.

2) You simply can't loose your money here. Have you ever purchased a lottery ticket and were a winner even if you didn't have the winning numbers? This one is simply foolproof.
Click here to learn more. . .
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