Eat - Drink - Work at Home. . .and be Merry!!!

A smorgasboard of interesting ways to earn money from Passive Income Streams plus a la carte links to no cost, no fee Work at Home Job sites, with a splash of jokes, a twist of helpful tips all sprinkled with a dash of inspiration.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Yes!!! We've arrived!! It's finally Friday!! Happy Friday!!

Here's an interesting and quite inspiring article that I came across today writtten by David Galluzzo entitled "First Make a Buck Then Make A Million". I'd like to share it with all of the potentially sucessful work at home wannabes who need a dose of encouragement. Enjoy!!

First Make a Buck Then Make A Million

This article isn't written with the "dot-com" millionaires or the internet marketing gurus in mind. It is instead written for the average person who has a desire to start and operate their own small internet business.

Those looking to explore the exciting possibilities that exist in this online entrepreneurial frontier called the world wide web. Those people whose lives can still be changed substantially by an extra one or two thousand dollars a month.

Why do I exclude the big money gurus? The answer is simple and it is this, "You have to make a buck before you can make a million," and it's that mind set that will keep you in the game.

I'm sure we all know someone (or will before long) who took a run at starting an internet business, built a great website, submitted it to the search engines, advertised in the classifieds and FFA pages, bought some banner impressions and "surprise" DIDN'T make a million dollars. Disappointment and soon apathy
stepped in and shut down the motivation and the website quicker than you can say out of business buddy.

Too bad, another casualty who heard and believed that millions of new people in a buying frenzy were coming online daily to make them the next overnight millionaire. Don't get me wrong. Good Product + Good Work Ethic + Tenacity = Success. Throw in a little duplication (which we'll save for another article) and you can succeed beyond your wildest dreams. It does happen and I sincerely hope it will happen very
quickly for you.

But if it shouldn't, I'm here to tell you, Work At Home Moms, College Students, Retirees, Small Business People, whoever you are and for whatever reason you need or want the money, you can make a buck!

You can make a thousand bucks and it's important to remember how a thousand extra dollars a month can change and improve your life.

An extra thousand dollars a month is:

* A good chunk, if not all of a house payment
* No car payments sounds and feels pretty good
* How about debt free, that’s got a certain ring doesn't it?
* A new boat or pair of jet skis
* An upgrade in the wardrobe
* After saving it a few months it can buy a fantasy vacation
* Speaking of savings, how about a savings/retirement account!
* How about a stack of ten $100.00 bills in your wallet

OK, I think you get the point. Find a good product and market it, market it and then market it some more. Be thrilled when you make a buck and then figure out a way
to make one more.

Don't be discouraged if you are not an overnight success, instead relish the fact that you are in the game and as long as you stay in the game you will be learning, growing and soon making that $1000.00 or more, and then much more.

Your mind is working, you're learning and doing every day...and then it happens...
You get the Million dollar idea or the Million dollar opportunity...and because you stayed in the game and made a buck and got an education on what works and what doesn't, what's new and fresh and what may be next to come, you find yourself in the
enviable position of being prepared to seize the moment and the opportunity and then guess what?

This article will no longer be for you!

With Wishes for High Hopes and Big Dreams.

To Your Success!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Spring is in the air. . . March has always been known as a month full of surprises and unexpected changes. Looks like flowers and sunny days are ahead. . .or at least I'd like to think so.

Special days in March: St. Patrick's Day is Friday, March 17 and everyone gets to wear green!!! The first day of Spring is Monday, March 20th.

Brighter days are on the way, bringing more work at home opportunities and more opportunities to make passive income!!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Tuesday. . .and here's another great no cost, no fee work at home listing

Tomorrow is hump day. . . 3 more days and we'll again be upon the weekend!!


Monday, March 06, 2006

This might be of interest to those who want to make extra bucks.
Click this link.
I'm not sure how long this one will be available but, it looks like a good one.
I signed up today.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Ahh. . .Sunday. A day to reflect on the past week and get ready for the week ahead. Where does the time go? It's already the second week of March. Feels like Christmas was just last month. The minutes race by like seconds, the hours race by like minutes with the blink of an eye. The days fly by like weeks, the weeks fly by like months, the months race by like years and before you know it you're wondering what ever happened to that bakery that sold your favorite coconut tarts for years. You decide to stop by to satisfy your craving but, as you approach the store, a lady on a bike tells you that the bakery has been closed for almost 3 months and the building has a for sale sign on the window. The world seems to be spinning so fast. . .where have all the coconut tarts gone?
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