Eat - Drink - Work at Home. . .and be Merry!!!

A smorgasboard of interesting ways to earn money from Passive Income Streams plus a la carte links to no cost, no fee Work at Home Job sites, with a splash of jokes, a twist of helpful tips all sprinkled with a dash of inspiration.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

It's been said that you must envision your dreams and desires for them to materialize. . .thoughts generate energy. Well, I guess I'm on my way to becoming financially secure because I often daydream about rolls of money, a house, a new car and a great life. It hasn't happened yet but. . . I guess I'll just have to continue daydreaming and maybe. . . just maybe one day. . . I can make it happen!! Oh Happy Day!!! Ok, Snap out of it. . . for now it's back to reality.
Looking for a better job has become my full time obsession. It is now a part of my everyday routine just like brushing my teeth. If I don't look for a better job each day, I get that familiar feeling that makes me think I lost or forgot to do something. When I use job search engines, I see so many jobs that I qualify for but when I apply for them, I get an acknowledgement by email, hear nothing at all, or get requests from recruiters for jobs that I don't want. What's a job seeker to do?
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