Eat - Drink - Work at Home. . .and be Merry!!!

A smorgasboard of interesting ways to earn money from Passive Income Streams plus a la carte links to no cost, no fee Work at Home Job sites, with a splash of jokes, a twist of helpful tips all sprinkled with a dash of inspiration.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Here's an interesting tip:

Did you know that you can make incoming and outgoing calls for free to real phone numbers? Neither did I until today. . .

Read the article. . .

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Everything costs something these days. . .Nothing is 100% free. . .or so it seems.

There is, however, a site that just might put these old cliches out to pasture. . .

If you want quality, no strings, no catch, practical useful, consistent freebies, there's only one thing left to do. . .Click Here
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